14 Ways to Use Fall Leaves in Your Wedding

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A bride and groom playing in autumn leaves

Fall weddings are so beautiful for so many reasons. Just think about all the great décor inspo! When you have an autumn wedding, all that you need for décor can be found around you. Think pumpkins, hay stacks, and, last but not least —colorful leaves. Rich yellow, orange, and red leaves are a beautiful way to express any autumn theme and are so versatile. It’s easy to pull off the perfect seasonal feel with the expertly executed addition of this little accessory. If you’re stuck on how to best use these little beauties, we have tons of ideas.

1. String Them into Banners

String up your leaves with twine and hang them like pennant flags. Simple and effective! You can even glam it up by spray painting the leaves gold.

2. Line Glass Jars to Use as Candles

You can create beautiful candle holders with leaves. Paste the leaves to the inside of a glass globe, jar, or holder with Mod Podge. The light from your candles inside will shine out through the leaves and look amazing.

3. Write on Leaves to Make Place Cards

Utilize fall leaves by creating place cards with them. You can write the guests’ names on them in a beautiful gold calligraphy for a nice touch.

4. Use Them to Accent Hair Pieces

This one is more for the bridal party, but offers a lovely cohesive look. Make (or have a florist make) hair accessories with fall leaves. You could do leaf combs, headbands, or even flower crowns with leaf accents.

5. Use Them in Boutonnieres

A groom wearing a boutonnier made of fall leaves.

Fall leaves can easily be incorporated into your boutonnieres with other florals or greenery, making them a subtle statement and nod to the season.

6. Decorate the Cake with Fall Leaves

A wedding cake decorated with fall leaves

Can you imagine the possibilities? Utilizing fall leaves as decor on your wedding cake can be as simple as placing some around the base with some other decor elements. If you want to make more of a statement, place them artfully on top with or without a cake topper.

7. Use Them as Table Decorations

A table at a wedding reception decorated with fall florals.

You can use fall leaves in an elegant and simple way by placing them on your reception tables à la confetti. If using white tablecloths, their colors will pop.

8. Use Fall Leaves in Bouquets

A bouquet of autum florals.

Leaves can go everywhere, including the bridal and bridesmaids bouquets. They can add some much texture against soft petaled florals.

9. Decorate the Ceremony Arch

A bride and groom in the forest underneath an arch decorated with fall leaves.

Use fall leaves to create the perfect arch under which to say your vows. However you want to accomplish your look, by stringing the leaves like flowers or adding them as an arch accessory, your altar and ceremony will scream autumn.

10. Line the Ceremony Aisle

One way to add a fall touch with leaves to your wedding is by lining the edges of the ceremony aisle with them. Organize these leaves by color and you can create an ombré look for a modern touch.

11. Create Leaf Initials

Use fall leaves to decorate your and your fiancé’s initials. Cut wood or cardboard as a letter template and glue the leaves on in an attractive pattern. Hang them up above your gift table or in front of your sweetheart table.

12. Accent Picture Frames

For any frames or pictures you include in your day, decorate the edges with leaves. Seal them with an acrylic sealer so they don’t dry out and break off, or spray them with paint for a different appeal.

13. Accessorize Balloons

Wrap balloons with a square piece of gauze and tie the bottom with fall leaves and flowers. Then, hang them around your venue for splashes of color.

14. Create Photobooth Props

Everyone knows photo booths are big hits at weddings, but how do you keep your fall theme incorporated into the photos? One way is to decorate all your photo props with fall leaves. Think leaf masquerade masks and leaf decorated crowns.

Fall leaves can feature into almost every portion of your wedding day. It’s easy to create an awe-inspiring look when there are leaves everywhere. And that’s the great thing about fall leaves: the more you use, the better everything looks. You almost can’t go too big with these fascinating fall accessories. So make like a tree and leaf!

The post 14 Ways to Use Fall Leaves in Your Wedding appeared first on Weddingbee.

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